Mouse and Rat Assisted Reproductive Services
Symbiontt, being equipped with extensive experience and expertise, provides all aspects of mouse and rat assisted reproductive services. Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) forms the basis of efficient animal colony management. Efficient management of colonies, by cryopreserving strains when not in use, provides significant cost saving including cage cost and manpower allocation.
We perform sperm freezing at client’s facility, adhering strictly to facility and IACUC requirements. We also provide longterm cryostorage of these samples. Mouse sperm is frozen in tiny volumes of 10 to 15 microliters and suboptimal storage and/or handling leads to rapid their warming, rendering them unsuitable for successful in vitro fertilization. Having done it for years and with best practices, we care for their proper handling and storage.
Assisted Reproductive Services:
Sperm and embryo cryopreservation
Cryostorage of frozen mouse sperm and embryos
Rederivation and breeding to required genotype
Rapid expansion of mouse strains via IVF
Export of cryopreserved material to overseas collaborators
Talk to us to learn more…
Contact us.
+65 966 00 513
Mailing address: Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Road,
#21-01, Singapore 179098