Symbiontt is a Singapore-based life science company catering to the biomedical SMEs, start-ups and academic laboratories by making available an array of essential scientific services, which otherwise are not readily accessible. Symbiontt makes these services available on its own and/or in partnership with leaders in their respective fields.
Our activities in a nutshell:
Partnership with Crown Bioscience Inc.
Partnership with Primates Enterprises Co. Ltd.
Generation of gene-modified mouse models
Customised mutant mouse colony management for SMEs, Start-ups and small academic labs
All aspects of Mouse Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Partnership with Germinal Biotech
Partnership with Dynacyte Biosciences.
1. Symbiontt has secured the Singapore and regional distributorship of services provided by Crown Bioscience Inc.. Crown Bioscience is a global contract research organization (CRO) providing discovery, preclinical and translational platforms and services to advance oncology and immuno-oncology. They are known for their expansive high-quality in vivo, in vitro, and ex vivo preclinical models, and they partner with their clients to quantify the efficacy and pharmacological profile of their drug candidate(s) before they move into the clinic.
2. Symbiontt has secured the distributorship rights to services provided by Primates Enterprises Co. Ltd. (PE). PE is the business arm of National Primate Research Center of Thailand - Chulalongkorn University (NPRCT-CU). NPRCT-CU is a OECD-GLP certified and AAALAC-accredited primate facility, with the care and animal use program conducted with humane and good practice, also complying to international standards on the occupational health and safety of the staff overseeing and caring for the animals.
3. Generation of gene-modified mouse models as a service, in collaboration with a Singapore institute.
4. Utilizing the excellent infrastructure available in Biopolis, Singapore, Symbiontt is able to provide customised mutant mouse colony management maintaining absolute client-confidentiality, alleviating the economic burden of SMEs, start-ups and academic laboratories in managing their own colonies.
5. Equipped with expertise and ample experience, Symbiontt provides all aspects of Mouse Assisted Reproductive Techniques to SMEs, start-ups and academia
• Sperm and embryo cryopreservation,
• Cryostorage of frozen mouse sperm and embryos,
• Rederivation and breeding to required genotype,
• Rapid expansion of mouse strains via IVF to accelerate breeding colonies or to perform characterization studies.
• Import & Export of cryopreserved material to overseas collaborators.
6. Providing animal work, Symbiontt has partnered with Germinal Biotech in generating novel antibodies, whose core focus centers on the comprehensive discovery, development, and optimization of protein-based therapeutics.
7. Symbiontt has partnered with Dynacyte Biosciences (https://www.dynacyte.com/) to establish mammalian cell culture in their smart bioreactor Eggsbee™ with the aim of offering expansion of cells for various uses including research and diagnostics. Eggsbee™ is a bioreactor built from the ground up to be more capable, more intuitive, and 100% cloud enabled and already extensively used for microbial culture by the scientific community. With a completely integrated design, full wrap-around electronic thermal jacket, control points, and distributed sensors all around, Eggsbee™ delivers a powerful way to get things done, create and stay connected. Ability to add on powerful accessories designed just for Eggsbee™ to enjoy the power of science at every step of the way.